Brand-led Agent Assist

The Agent Dashboard allows agents to view and manage inbound requests, either automatically assigned or manually accepted. Sessions can be recorded and analyzed for performance improvement. Agents can request control of the user’s view, thus being able to guide and help the customer take informed decisions.


Agent dashboard

A dashboard where agents can view all the inbound requests. Requests are either auto assigned to agents or agent can manually accept request.

Call recording and recording analysis

Agent can record the session and then later analyze the call to further improve the way requests are handled and users are served.

Take/give controls

Agents can request for controls, and once access is provided by the user can control what the user is viewing.

How does it help brands?

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Adds another touch point with a user and classify them as lead types.


They can serve more consumers than a traditional showroom environment, with fewer human resources.


Convey the brand message to end user even at the discovery phase.


Online journey can be used with the offline journey.


Get insights about user before they visit the showroom.

How does it help users?


A user that has visited the experience and wishes to enquire about certain aspects can directly connect with an expert agent, clarify the doubts.


Instead of having to learn about their queries, with minimal effort their queries can be resolved with a human touch, with someone who can be trusted with information. Since online information can be misleading or incorrect.


They can explore the entire catalogue with assistance from an expert.

Curious to know more?

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